Here, we have attempted to answer all the questions about the sculpture woman "Thoughts".

What does the sculpture "Woman of Thoughts" mean? What is its significance?

It is a beautiful and unique conceptual sculpture that serves as a reminder that our thoughts shape our reality. The spheres on the sculpture symbolize our thoughts.

Why is the sculpture designed like a planter or vase?

It is designed like a planter or vase because we ourselves choose what to fill our thoughts with. Our thoughts, in turn, influence our day, which affects our life.

Why is the sculpture woman "Thoughts" unique? Who can produce the sculpture-vase of Thoughts?

The copyright for the sculpture-vase "Woman of Thoughts" and the right to produce it worldwide belong exclusively to the Ukrainian brand FAVNA.ART, represented by the author, designer, and digital sculptor K.V. Orlova.


What inspired the author to create the sculpture woman "Thoughts"?

Have you ever been unable to sleep because thoughts relentlessly attacked you? Like sticking one ball after another to your mind until they reached the ceiling? And you spent the entire night until morning trying unsuccessfully to sort them out and "rethink" them? Starting from memories of recent conversations, events, plans, dreams, and ending with thoughts about existence, one's own being, purpose, and the creation of the universe? It was these seemingly endless nights that inspired me to create the collection of "Woman of Thoughts" sculptures.

What is it like to not think about anything? To be as pure as a blank sheet and perceive the world directly, rather than through the prism of our perception dictated by the endless flow of thoughts? Perhaps only those who have mastered the art of true meditation can answer this question.


What thought did the sculptor want to convey in the artwork?

The sculpture, a planter of a woman immersed in spheres, symbolizes thoughts that constantly engulf us and are the direct cause of everything happening in our lives... With this artwork, I wanted to remind everyone that our thoughts shape our reality! Every time you look at the sculpture, I want you to remember that our thoughts are the only barrier between us and perceiving reality... We are capable of anything! Our thoughts alone can either hinder or help us... Between understanding each other, there are only our thoughts... Between us and our dreams, there are only our thoughts... The sculpture depicts how thought-spheres close the woman's eyes and completely engulf her mind because everything she sees, she sees through the prism of her own thoughts... just like each one of us! It doesn't matter if you're a woman or a man, an adult or a child, you are always consumed by thoughts that shape your destiny every second!... but most of the time, you don't even notice it... I believe that in each of those spheres, you will see your own thought that, in one way or another, has influenced your today, your decisions, and your destiny... They are the invisible and powerful companions of our lives... our thoughts! What is the sculpture "Woman of Thoughts" made of? The sculpture is made from the essence of inspiration accumulated over 2.4 million years of human thoughts, digital sculpting, and traditional craftsmanship. The piece is crafted from high-quality Italian solid sculptural plaster ceramics and coated with premium paint materials. The weight of the sculpture ranges from 5 to 7 kg.

Why is the sculpture portrayed as a woman?

The choice to depict the sculpture as a woman was made at the initial stage of the basic idea, and the sculptor has also started creating the sculpture of a man of thoughts, which we hope will be available in the near future.

How can the "Woman of Thoughts" sculpture be used?

  • As an art object.
  • As a vase for candies and fruits.
  • As a beautiful planter for flowers and plants.
  • As a candle holder for loose candles.
  • As a reminder that thoughts shape our reality.
  • As an original gift for an aesthete, beauty salon, restaurant, psychologist, business coach, art enthusiast, or simply for someone who appreciates the unusual.
  • As an interior item or interior sculpture.
  • As an object for personalizing space.
  • As a statue, figurine, or bust.

How is the product packaged?

The product is packaged with utmost respect for the environment, safety during transportation, and presentability for gifting purposes. It comes in a branded box made of natural wood. Instead of polystyrene, we use expandable polystyrene, which is easily biodegradable. The sculpture is wrapped in a cloth cover with a small amount of bubble wrap to ensure maximum protection. The package also includes a letter with a description of the meaning of the "Woman of Thoughts" sculpture, sealed with a wax seal. If you purchase the product directly from the workshop, you can request to have a handwritten message or greeting from you included in the envelope, if you plan to use the sculpture as a gift.

Can I try out the "Woman of Thoughts" sculpture in my interior before buying it?

Yes! FAVNA.ART is the first augmented reality sculpture collection in Ukraine! By scanning the QR code below, you can virtually try out the sculpture in your room right now! The most important thing in life is to fill yourself with the right thoughts.

Currently, the "Thoughts" collection includes three items:
the sculpture woman "Thoughts",
the "Thoughts" flower pot,
the "Thoughts" hand.


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Conceptual sculptures by FAVNA.ART


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